I'm a Taekwondo Player from a Ajmer, Rajasthan..
Taekwondo kukkiwon certified Black Belt and played 6 times district, state and national championship....4 times national medalist and also played a All India University Taekwondo championship 2019..
I started playing in 2015 at that time i'm 15 years old unfit boy who is 105 kg.. So, I choose sport and started playing Taekwondo due to obesity and after some time i started seeing result in my body and reduced my body weight from 105 to 80 kg..but in the process of weight loss the interest in me for this game increased very much and i started loving taekwondo and it became a big part of my life..
Journey of Taekwondo was never a easy for me and i got many big injuries in my Taekwondo journey when i was green belt i got knee dislocation and last year i got slip disc issue and everyone around me told me that i won't able to play taekwondo again.. but my love for taekwondo again took me on the journey of taekwondo..

“when nobody believes in me, I believed in myself and came bck stronger and harder"
My aim is to wear blue jersey and wants to represent India internationally..
Besides than that, I'm also a coach and with my practice i also train small students and even athletes more than my age..i loves to teach taekwondo and to share my knowledge and always loves to help everyone in taekwondo.. my students are also played till state and nationals..
I always believes that, ““Not because by sharing you will be helping others, no, but by sharing you will be growing. The more you share, the more you grow""