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Meet Zishaan Khan World Record Holder And World Youngest MMA Coach.


It all started At the age of 3 when he first began his fighting voyage. He soon realized that He was a better coach than a fighter,Quite evidently School wasn’t for him. He dropped out after the 9th grade and never went back after.

Our Society deems education to be a safe passage to an assured career. However,Our young Dynamic Record holder Zishaan's career aspirations were quite different. He went against all the wise counsel he could receive against pursuing a career in coaching and he went after it anyway. He took up his first job as an MMA trainer at a gym, all by the age of 13.

Working 7-8 hours approx everyday teaching people more elder then him.

Three years later, it took the leap and began his own Combat sports academy. 

At 17, Coach Zishaan khan has his own team of fighters,Well Recognized in the field ane growing bettee everyday.

He's training them hard and making them ready for their big debuts.

Being so young in an industry run by experienced and older coaches,Coach Zishaan still never backs out and be a part of it giving a tough competition.

Now Zishaan Khan Is Also a World record holder for being The world's youngest professional MMA Coach

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